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The Morning Fat Melter Program
 Welcome to The Morning Fat Melter Program.      If you follow our program you can easily lose over 20 pounds of fat in the next 30 days, and burn fat even while
you sleep!
 click in link  and burn fat even while you sleep!

 Bizarre Story Reveals The Strange Way I Combined 4 Secret Herbs & Nutrients with Easy Workouts To Double My Metabolism and Lose 1 Pound Every Single Day Until I Reached My Ideal Weight!
Hi, I am Dawn, and I am a woman just like you! 
And this is my bizarre story about how I changed my life and completely transformed my body at the age of 53, after I almost dropped dead from a mild heart attack.

The SECRET Combination I’m about to share with you has empowered me to lose 72 pounds and drop 12 dress sizes in just 4 months!

And I achieved this miracle without pills, starving or counting calories, surgery or killing myself in the gym!

And I am sharing this secret combination with you because my goal here is to give you the power to live the happy life you deserve!  

You might be shocked when you learn how this combination can burn so much body fat so fast and make you look and feel 20 years younger

The truth is that I have battled with my weight for years. I’d tried almost every weight loss program out there with zero results!
My real breakthrough came out of nowhere, backed up by over 10 clinical studies done by the world’s top universities, and I had to go through a lot of struggle to find out about it. But it has literally saved my life!
This weight loss combination is so effective that I decided to leave my well paid corporate job and dedicate my life to sharing this miraculous secret with the women who want to reach their ideal weight and improve their health.  

I lost 72 pounds WITHOUT doing any workout that is difficult or longer than 15 minutes and WITHOUT ever being hungry!

You’ll learn the exact fat-burning combination that’s been scientifically tested and proven to melt body fat with incredible speed, skyrocket your energy levels, balance your body chemistry, and ramp up your sex drive so quickly, safely, and effectively that you’ll think that Dr. Oz should have been talking about it for years.

This combination is proven to work for all women regardless of their age, body type or state of health because it’s based on balancing their body’s natural functions. 

What’s astonishing is that everything I was previously led to believe about nutrition and weight loss was wrong! 
I had to go through a mild heart attack to stumble on the proven secrets you’re going to learn on this page!

Over 20,000 women worldwide have used this weight loss combination to lose over 20 pounds each month and reach their ideal weight in record time! 

But don’t take my word for it. I’ll show you verifiable facts.
But before that, imagine waking up tomorrow with as much energy as you had in your twenties, even if you’re 70 now! Watch, as day by day, your stubborn belly dissolves. You’ll look and feel healthier than you have in decades. 
And you’ll discover that the symptoms of major health issues like hyperthyroidism, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, chronic joint pain, and more will fade so rapidly it will reaffirm your faith, or make you a believer.  

Most mind-blowing of all, this weight loss combination eliminates dangerous toxins, free radicals, and heavy metals from your body to unlock energy reserves that make you feel young again and breathe vitality into every cell in your body!

 That’s exactly what Ann, a 58 years old grandmother from California, discovered…  

She was in such a bad shape that she couldn’t exercise when she started… All she did in the first month was adding the powerful herbs & nutrients you will learn today to her meals! But she lost 13 pounds in her first month anyway
Then, in her 2nd month, she started to do the 15 minutes easy workouts, and she lost 73 pounds in 7 months, and all her family was amazed …  
Then, her daughter who's 42 had started and lost 40 pounds in 6 weeks, and now she looks great. 
Or Heather, who lost 70 pounds of fat in under 4 months!
And her boss, Barbara, a 47 years old mom with 3 children, lost 83 pounds of unwanted body fat in just 6 months!
Listen to what Mary wrote to me!
Hi Dawn! I have to admit, I was skeptical...
I have been struggling with my weight for years, and when I started your plan, I was around 100 pounds overweight! 
I was amazed at how amazing I felt from the first few days. I lost 27 pounds in the first month and 107 pounds after 7 months.
My husband was so pleased and excited. He loves my new body, and our sex life improved dramatically! I have more sex now at 49 than I used to when I got married!  
Because of how confident I am now, I got the promotion I have been waiting for 5 years. Now all the women in my office are on your program! You changed my life!  
These are just some of the women who have tried this method out of tens of thousands of success stories we’ve received.

I’ll share more later, but before I do, it’s critical that I tell you how this easy system works and how it actually saved my life, helping me lose 72 pounds and 12 dress sizes in just 4 months!  

My name is Dawn Sterrit, and I am nobody special. I am just lucky enough to have found the formula that transformed my body, and because of it, I became a minor celebrity in the health world, and I’m humbled to have been labeled as having one of the most inspiring weight loss stories.
But 2 years ago, my life was completely different ….  
Just like most other people who are overweight, I never really thought about my weight...  
I loved cooking and gave little thought to the fact that I was slowly gaining weight, and by the time I started becoming aware of my weight and the fact that I was always tired, I was at 216 pounds…
At 53 years of age and being over 70 pounds overweight… YES, I was always tired and couldn’t keep up with my grandson. 
I hated buying new clothes because I knew I always had to buy the extra large size. I could also say I was good at denial
I promised myself that I would make changes soon, but somehow, I always found good excuses to postpone getting started! 
 I only realized that I was in very bad shape when on one Tuesday afternoon, I went to help my daughter arrange the new apartment she and her husband bought on the 9th floor of a new building.
I smelled trouble when I realized that the elevators were not working and I had to wait or go up by the stairs… 
After the first 3 floors, it got tough. I was already gasping for air and feeling the burn in my muscles, but I kept going…
4 more floors, and I got what felt like a stitch in my side. I ignored it until my heart started hammering. Then I fell down on my knees…
I could hardly catch my breath for several long minutes, but eventually, the pain let up. Amazingly, instead of calling it quits, I kept going. After that, things went from bad to worse.
I didn’t realize that there was something seriously wrong with my heart and these were all warning signs.
When I got to my daughter’s door, I had crushing chest pains and labored breathing, and my left arm started to tingle.
My daughter immediately called for an ambulance…. My grandson saw me and started to cry!
I was lucky to get to the ER room in under 30 minutes, where…

The Doctor Gave Me News That Shattered Me....

...the doctor confirmed that I had a mild heart attack. I was told that I was considered obese and that my weight had brought on cardiovascular damage.
I was shocked! Here I was, trying to help my daughter, and as a result, I’d found out that I had heart disease.  
I sat with my boyfriend after returning back home and cried like a baby for hours. I was wondering how long I’d be around, or if I’d ever see my grandkid grow up...
What about all my plans? The trip to London I was going to take with my boyfriend… 
That visit to my daughter was a wakeup call. I knew I needed to lose weight, but hadn’t imagined anything like this. 
According to my doctor, I had to lose at least 40 pounds in the next 3 months by when he scheduled our next appointment, otherwise, I might face another heart attack! 
He said: “Dawn, I’m not sure how long your heart can keep going. You can’t keep ignoring your health. Your blood pressure is 180/115, your BMI is over 30, and your cholesterol levels and blood sugar are through the roof!” 
So, I was also pre-diabetic
My huge fat and cholesterol buildup was because of years of eating the wrong foods and not exercising the right way...
I felt helpless and defeated... How could I possibly drop 40 pounds in just 3 months? I didn’t think I was unhealthy, simply just getting older….
How could I tell my grandson that I might not be around for his next birthdays? 
I became so scared and worried about my health that for the first week, I couldn’t even sleep at night…
How did it come to this?
And then, one evening, I looked in the mirror, and maybe for the first time, I really saw myself as the fat, sad woman I'd become...  
And that's when I decided THAT I WOULD CHANGE MY LIFE and get my old body back! And do you know what happened then? I bet you do. I bet it's happened to you too. I picked myself up and told myself that I would have the self-control to exercise daily and eat healthy…

But I failed miserably… I tried different fitness programs and quick fixes, wasting hundreds of dollars on things that didn’t work.

The truth is that I hate going to the gym because I’ve always felt like a blob compared to the younger women in their tight little yoga pants…
The doctor told me that I should exercise on a regular basis … So I got a gym membership and went to a few classes, but they didn’t do anything for me, just got me really sore!
And as for dieting, I first tried the "Flat Belly something diet" where they give you a special drink to have in the morning instead of your coffee. They said one cup burns 3 pounds of belly fat without exercises.
I bought into it, and when I weighed myself after 5 days of drinking 6 cups daily, I realized that I actually gained 2 pounds!
Then, I tried different weight loss systems like Nutrisystem, Atkins, even intermittent fasting, the ketogenic diet, and a few cleanses…
But they are all about restricting your diet, counting calories, and starving yourself, and they all left me hungry and miserable… especially at night… when I’d get hungry and couldn’t fight the urge to eat – usually junk food.
What I didn’t realize was that these fake diets simply restrict caloric intake, and when the body is starved, it turns to survival mode – storing food as fat as a means of preservation. 
I was hungry because I was depriving myself of carbohydrates, and that’s why I wasn’t losing weight, my muscles weren’t getting any stronger, and my body wasn’t shaping up.  
And for me, it was kind of hard to stay on a diet because I don't know about you, but I love food.  
I mean it is food what comforts me when life gets hard... Food is also how I celebrate when times are good, and food is how I show love to my family.  
Anyway…. I tried so many things, but nothing worked! I was really frustrated by the lack of results… 
I became depressive, and because of all the stress, I got 7 pounds heavier...  
And it was 1 month before my doctor’s appointment, and I was getting terrified… I was supposed to lose 40 pounds, but instead, I gained 7 pounds! 

I couldn't take it anymore! 

I took a deep breath, and when I exhaled, tears started flowing...
I was so tired of hating my body's reflection in the mirror... I have really done my best to eat the right way and exercise...
And at that moment the phone rang…
It was my daughter who called me to ask if I wanted to go to Hawaii with her and my grandson for 2 weeks since her husband had an emergency at work and couldn’t take that much time off. 
I did my best to hide the fact that I was crying, and after my daughter hanged up, I called my boss, and he said YES...  
I decided to go since I had nothing to lose, and I needed a break from all that mess…

And it turned out to be my best decision ever because it literally saved my life!

Our hotel was close to the beach and offered lots of privacy and relaxation. The next morning, I met Aline...
She had a partnership with our hotel as a personal trainer, and I was amazed to see that all her clients were overweight women just like me, but somehow, they were filled with energy and enthusiasm…  
Since I’ve always been shy, my daughter approached her, and she came to talk to me. 
After 10 minutes, I realized that her method is completely different from what I’ve tried before and that everything I thought I knew about weight loss was wrong!  
She told me that the exercise routines I was doing were wrong and too long and that I needed twice more carbs than I was eating… 
Then she told me a little more about her method, and it seemed so easy! 
Then the receptionist, who was 55, told me that she’d lost over 40 pounds herself on Aline’s program… 
Indeed, Aline promised me that I would lose at least 10 pounds in the next 2 weeks, so I decided to give her program a try even though my jaw dropped when Aline told me about her pricing… 
It was the most expensive investment in my health, and as you’ll see, it proved to be the most effective one!
I was supposed to be in the hotel lobby at 8 o'clock the next morning … Aline told me to come on my empty stomach and that I could drink water before the workout and have coffee with milk, but little sugar.  
On my empty stomach,” I asked? 
She told me that doing her short workouts on an empty stomach is the best way for women over 50 to burn fat, and she was right…. 
I mean, there are now thousands of studies that prove this! 
Working out on an empty stomach keeps your blood sugar at a level that is perfect for fat loss, and it improves insulin sensitivity.  
It also increases your Growth hormones levels, which boosts metabolism & energy and increases longevity.  
So if you're worried a little bit about having to work out on your empty stomach, just relax and let's continue with my story!

I remember, I was so out of shape then… I was hardly going to the gym once a week, so I went to bed that night, feeling frightened for the next day.  

We started with a warm-up, and then the workout, which surprisingly lasted only 15 minutes and then stretching.  
The workout was like anything I’ve tried before… I have never done that combination of exercises in my entire life!
I felt all my muscles working, but it was manageable, and because Aline did the workout with me, and I didn’t want to let her down, I didn’t stop!
I was so proud of myself!  
Then, Aline brought me a protein shake, which was so amazingly delicious.  
She told me that she added 4 powerful herbs & nutrients that would double my metabolism and prevent my muscles from getting sore the next day.
Then, she handed me a small handbook with the nutritional guidelines and her other metabolism boosting tricks for the next 2 weeks.  
A lot of what I read in there wasn’t that complex. But those 4 herbs & nutrients were new to me... and I will tell you so much more about them in a bit.
Aline told me that I should add them to my meals because they are consumed daily by people in some of the healthiest countries in the world, including Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, and Thailand. 
Studies show that for the past 10 years, these countries have had some of the lowest obesity, cancer, and heart disease rates in the world. Not only that, but their citizens also live the longest and look the youngest and healthiest.  
I was shocked that I was allowed to eat so much food each day.  
I woke up the next day refreshed, filled with energy and with a big smile on my face like I haven’t woken up in years…  
And surprisingly, I wasn’t as sore as I expected, and I had twice more energy than I usually have in the morning! 
After my first class at the gym, a few months back, I couldn’t walk for almost 3 days … so those 4 herbs & nutrients really helped!  
I asked Aline if my daughter could join us, and she said yes, so we did the 15 minutes workouts every morning for 2 weeks with my grandson Sean watching us.
In the morning of the 5th day, I finally found the courage to step on the scale. Somehow I miraculously lost 3 pounds.  
But I didn’t stop there … And even though on day 7, Aline told me to eat everything I wanted; in the morning of the 10th day, I had lost a total of 8,7 pounds since I started.

In those 2 weeks I lost almost 12 pounds!

I had to tighten my belt three notches because my “fat pants” were falling off.
Even my daughter who was in good shape, lost 3 pounds and 1 inch from her waist. 
However as our vacation was coming to an end, I started to worry again….  
I was feeling so much better, my energy increased dramatically, but how was I gonna continue my journey without Aline’s help? 
I knew that once I’ d be home I won’t be able to keep up with the same routine. However before I left Hawaii, Aline gave me another handbook with the plan to follow for the next 2 weeks.  
She told me that I could do the workouts by myself because I was already doing them for 2 weeks! 
And that I should just follow her plan: do one of her workouts on my empty stomach and follow the nutritional guidelines she gave me.
And that’s what I did! And even though I used to hate going to the gym, I enjoyed doing her workouts every morning in my living room.  
They were only 15 minutes long! The meal plan she gave me was easy to prepare. In fact it took me under 10 minutes to prepare all the foods for 1 day. 
And I could buy the herbs & nutrients Aline recommended from a health food store, and they didn’t cost more than a candy bar! 
They have metabolism-shifting properties that double the fat-burning process and revitalize every single cell in your body. I'll tell you more about them soon...

At the end of the 30th day since I started, I had lost 22 pounds!

I was still 20 pounds over the weight my doctor recommended, but I went to the appointment anyway.  
The same doctor couldn’t believe it when he saw my face looking thinner, my belly visibly reduced, and my clothes fitting loosely.
My blood tests dramatically improved, and my doctor told me that I should continue the program I was following because my progress from our last appointment was great.  
When I told him that I had started only around 30 days before, he was really shocked. 
This was the first time I realized that I was on a mission, not only for myself but for all the women who have been fighting with their weight and didn’t see results even though they worked hard and tried everything!
I realized then that if I can get back to my skinny jeans, I would open up a path that hundreds of thousands of women could walk on to change their lives.  
After two months since I returned from Hawaii, my best girlfriends finally convinced me to go out with them.  
So I agreed to meet them for dinner, and I figured I would put on my favorite dress because I always liked the way I looked in it even when I was heavy!

When time came to get dressed, I realized it was too loose!

I looked like a little girl trying on her mom's clothes. My favorite shoes didn't fit either… Everything was too big, I couldn't believe it! 
Even my feet had gotten smaller. I almost panicked … So I called them to tell them I would be late…
I ran to the store to find something to wear and found myself trying on clothes I would have been petrified to look at before I lost the weight…
I wish I had a picture of the look on my friends’ faces when I arrived at the restaurant. 
They were shocked, happy, and jealous. They all gushed how I look 20 years younger!
The best part was that while I was walking back to my car, a man, 10 years younger than me, actually came over to talk to me.

It was the first time that's happened since college!

A few months down the line, having been very faithful to Aline’s easy plan, I saw a huge transformation in my body. It changed my life
I lost 72 pounds and dropped 12 dress sizes in just 4 months!  
It was almost unreal; I was slimmer, well-toned, much more confident, and HAPPIER than I had ever been!

In fact, my doctor freaked out when he saw me!

But after I told him my story, he asked me to give him a copy of the guidelines Aline gave me, so he could give them to all his overweight patients.
He told me that he read a few recent studies about the 4 herbs & nutrients that helped me, but he didn’t think they were that powerful!
He also told me that I should do Aline’s workouts as often as I can! 
I wasn’t risking diabetes anymore, and my blood pressure and cholesterol levels were similar to the ones of young athletes. I was also able to throw away all my blood pressure and cholesterol pills!
I was healthier and happier than ever, and I was so confident that I decided to visit Aline with my new boyfriend and surprise her with my new body.  
I was at the swimming pool when we met, and strangely, she wasn’t surprised at all…
She told me that all her clients who follow her guidelines lose over 20 pounds in their first month, and after that, over 15 pounds per month until they reach their ideal weight!  

In our last night in Hawaii, something amazing happened!

After just a few months since we’ve been together, my boyfriend Hank proposed to me, and I said YES!  
He told me that he loved me, that he was so proud of me and my achievement, that I inspire him, and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me! 
It was the most beautiful day of my life!  

When we got back, things got even better!

A few months before, I applied for a new position and I found out that I got it… which instantly meant that I would have to talk to more and more people who work at our company.
I got in charge of the HR department, and everyone started to talk about the fact that I lost over 70 pounds and I looked amazing, and all wanted to know what I did.
So after I told them about Aline’s plan, everybody wanted to put their hands on it!  

So I started a secret weight loss project. 

I only had 7 students to start with, but when they started to tell everybody that they were losing 3 to 5 pounds each week, more and more women from our company got excited.  
By the end of the first month, my 7 students had talked so excitedly about the program that my little project now had over 30 members and continued to grow.
They were all dropping pounds, getting fit, and restoring their health, reclaiming their youth, now as active as they had been in their 20's.  
I also shared Aline’s system with friends and family, and they shared it, and they shared it… and everybody was losing weight, getting healthy, fit, and loving life.  
I was getting messages every day from happy women sharing their success stories.  

They all experienced a dramatic reduction in body fat and an incredible boost in energy!

So I called Aline and told her that her plan went viral, and hundreds of women were doing her workouts and following her guidelines to lose 20 pounds or more each month and getting their health, vitality, and youth back.
Again, she was not surprised at all!!! 
Then I had an amazing idea! To join forces and get in touch with major names in the health and fitness business…
We emailed well-known fitness gurus, Women’s Health, Emily Skye, and even Dr. Oz or The Biggest Loser, but they all rejected us as they were making millions by selling their outdated weight loss programs that kept women overweight for life
So we decided to take Aline’s system directly to the women who needed it.
We took the 2 handbooks Aline gave me, and based on them, we created a comprehensive and easy-to-follow Fat Melting Plan.  

We listed all her guidelines and the same powerful herbs & nutrients you should add to your diet to burn fat like never before and rejuvenate your body in record time!

But it’s not enough to know what to do. You also need to know what not to do. So we created a list of supposed "health foods and veggies" that actually harm your health and make your body accumulate fat.
Our program has really upset Weight Watchers and Keto Diet folks, but we didn’t care! What we are sharing is just too important!
I told you I love food, so we also created a delicious meal plan for 30 days with easy to prepare mouthwatering fat burning meals that force your body to burn fat all day long - even during the night!! 
Then Aline went into a studio and spent 5 days recording the best workout videos in the whole weight loss industry! She spent almost $100.000 so that her system is accessible to all women over 50 who want fast results!
The workouts are the same short and easy workouts that have already helped me and thousands of women to reach their ideal weight!
They are like nothing you’ve tried before and only 15 minutes long and make your body burn fat up to 48 hours after you have done them, guaranteeing you a slim and sexy figure in record time!

Plus, our system includes a fast 1-week start-up guide THAT STARTS TODAY to double your metabolism and give you amazing results in your first week!

We created a step-by-step schedule that explains what foods you need to eat and the exact amounts of each. 
It works for all women over 50 even if you’re trying to lose 30 pounds or more. It’s all presented in a simple step-by-step action plan. It also gives you the schedule for the workouts!  
Most critically, any successful program requires tracking, so we included a daily success checklist!  

We also gave our system a simple and descriptive name – it’s called The Morning Fat Melter Program!

Based on over 20,000 women who, have followed The Morning Fat Melter Program, the average weight loss over the 30 days of the program is over 13 pounds, or more than 1 pound every 3 days!

Women like Janet from Dallas, Texas, who lost 23 pounds in the first 30 days, and then, 3 months since she started, she had lost a total of 54 pounds!
Or Jill, who was 190 pounds when she started… She lost 21 pounds in the first 30 days, then she continued to follow the program and got to 130 pounds, which is 10 pounds less than what she was in college. 

Over 20.000 women have reached their ideal weight, following Aline’s plan!

Aline Pilani - trainer of the year 2017
Because of the amazing results that our clients are getting, Aline was awarded with "The Trainer Of The Year Award" in 2018, making me really proud to be her partner.
Yes, in 2018, over 20.000 women who have bought our Morning Fat Melter program, have reached their ideal weight and have managed to keep it off ever since. 

What most weight loss programs accomplish in 3-4 months, The Morning Fat Melter Program does in only 30 days, including:

✔ lose 13 pounds of body fat or more - you'll drop 7 pounds in the first week!
✔ drop 4 dress sizes or more
✔ reduce your cellulite drastically 
✔ you’ll set up the foundation you need to reach your ideal weight over the next few months!
double your energy level so you can keep up with your grandkids 
✔ reduce your blood sugar & cholesterol  
✔ lose inches from your waist and thighs 
✔ double your metabolism & increase your overall health  

The Morning Fat Melter requires no restrictive dieting, calorie counting, crazy workouts or impossible-to-follow rules.

You don’t have to starve yourself, take supplements or buy expensive mail-order meals.
There’s NO extreme exercising. Our workouts are easy, take only 15 minutes, and once you follow Aline’s lead, you won’t believe how fun they are and how amazing you’ll feel after you have done them! 

So let's do a short recap of what you will get with the Morning Fat Melter Program!

Right from the beginning, the Morning Fat Melter Manual explains in detail how to maximize the number of hours your body burns fat.  
You will learn how to structure your diet and the 4 herbs & nutrients that double your metabolism and energy level.  
Then, you will learn why your hormones have been stopping you from losing weight and a simple diet trick that keeps them in balance.  
Then, you will learn what carbohydrates to eat to avoid gaining weight and the 3 macronutrients that reduce late night cravings for bad foods.  
Then you will learn what so-called “healthy” foods and veggies you must avoid as the latest scientific research has proven that they affect your thyroid and make your body store belly fat.  
Then, you will learn why fat is not bad for you and 1 fatty food that instantly increases your metabolism with 5 to 10% and gives you more energy, while at the same time helps you reduce belly fat and your blood sugar.  
Then you’ll learn why you must cheat once a week and double your carbs in order to keep your metabolism high, and why sleeping is the best time to burn fat and how to maximize your fat burning potential during the night.  
Then you will learn how to prepare your after-workout shakes so that you won’t be sore the next day and over 10 metabolism-boosting activities that are fun and take less than 5 minutes per day to do.  
Towards the end, you’ll learn about a small tool that increases blood flow, breaks down fat deposits from thighs, butt, and belly, and reduces your cellulite.  
The Morning Fat Melter Manual is brief, to the point, and only gives you the important weight loss info you need to achieve the body of your dreams.
The Morning Fat Melter Meal Plan keeps your blood sugar at optimum fat loss levels all day long and shares the most delicious way to cook your food while at the same time maximize fat loss.  
You get a detailed grocery shopping list and the precise meal plan for the next 30 days.  
Each meal is delicious, and you will easily prepare all the foods for one day in under 10 minutes. 
Our meal plan tells you exactly how much of each food you must eat and when to eat it to lose fat every single day and even the amount of carbs, protein, and fat it contains. 

The Morning Fat Melter Workout Videos & Manual are probably the most effective ones in the whole fitness industry. 
Aline launched the Morning Fat Melter workout videos on Amazon in 2018 as a workout DVD and so far, over 50.000 women have bought it. Until it was sold out, it was Amazon’s choice for “Workout DVD for women”.
You’ll get 9 full body workout videos, the workout manual and the workout plan to follow for 30 days - and the good news is that you get them shipped to your house!  
Each workout video is only 15 minutes long, including the warm up, and stretching, and as I told you before, they are like anything you’ve tried before!.  
Aline's workouts are designed to be done at home, in your own living room, and once you start playing each video, you only need to follow Aline's lead, and you’ll feel like she is near you, and you’re doing the workouts together, and you'll love how she is motivating you throughout each workout.
Aline’s workouts burn fat up to 48 hours after you do them, and they are the reason why me and all these women were able to lose so much body fat so fast!  
The Morning Fat Melter Start Up-Guide gives you your fastest weight loss week EVER - IT STARTS TODAY and teaches you how to double your metabolism and lose a lot of weight in your first week!
It will also help you get started the right way so that by tomorrow, you should have already see results!  
It will also teach you a simple technique to stay motivated all the way to the end and how to easily keep your new sexy body for life!  
If you want weight loss to be easy, this manual is exactly what you need!

There’s nothing like The Morning Fat Melter Program

The program tells you exactly what to do! 
It gives you the tools you need to quickly lose weight and regain your physique, plus you get the power to completely turn your health around, even if you’re sick and depressed like I was.  
Of course, there are also other options out there....
But the plain truth is this: If these things really worked, if their claims were true, then why do the Centers for Disease Control report a 35% increase in obesity each year
And why are 3,500 people still dying from heart disease and cancer every day? These are people who just didn’t know the secrets that Aline’s system will soon reveal to you.
You can try workouts like Insanity and damage your joints or starve yourself eating undersized food portions in expensive Nutrisystem containers. 
Or you can use the outdated Weight Watchers points system, which throws your body into survival mode and builds up fat. 
You could pay $400 each month to a certified trainer and nutritionist, who typically don’t know about digestion or the metabolic changes that happen in middle-aged women...
Or you can choose The Morning Fat Melter and learn the weight loss secrets that celebrity trainers like Jillian Michaels or Mary Helen Bowers will never tell you about. 
But thanks to The Morning Fat Melter System, you’ll get these incredibly powerful secrets for yourself!
In fact, here’s what women just like you post in our online community!
Post Navi